Congregation Etz Chaim depends on the
support of members and friends to
sustain our inspirational worship,
leading-edge educational opportunities,
innovative social action projects, and
exceptional cultural programming.
A gift to CEC is a meaningful way to
celebrate milestones in the life cycle or
honor a loved one’s memory.
Whether you give to the general fund,
sponsor a kiddush, or make a lasting
legacy gift with planned giving you are
sustaining our synagogue. Please know
that your tax-deductible contribution to our Congregation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit,
is an investment in the relationships that strengthen our synagogue
and our community at large.
Looking for an easy way to give back to the
Synagogue who gives so much to so many?
Consider switching your amazon smile charity selection
to Congregation Etz Chaim.
Simply click the amazon graphic below and it will take you
to a page where you can easily designate
CEC the benefactor of your giving.