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Plant your roots here and
let our synagogue help you blossom.
This is an exciting time at Congregation Etz Chaim!
It is our hope that if you are new or moving to Cincinnati, if you are newly interested in affiliating with a congregation; you will let us show you
what we have to offer.
There are many privileges of membership at Etz Chaim. Such as participation in all services and celebrations, opportunities for your children to become involved in our multigenerational programming, receipt of our mailings including our bulletin, notification of all family yahrzeits, and burial rights with JCGC.
But, possibly the most important aspect of membership at our synagogue is that you will quickly become a part of our warm and welcoming family.
Our categories of membership include family, single, student, and associate. Please call our synagogue office to schedule a time to meet with a representative and learn more. Or simply stop by a service – we know you’ll like what you see!