Social Action - Tikkun Olam
“Tikkun olam” (literally, “world repair”) has come to connote social action and the pursuit of social justice. At Congregation Etz Chaim we believe we have a responsibility to leave our community and the world we live in a better place. Below are just a few of the Social Action projects we participate in.
Over the Rhine Soup Kitchen
Six times a year members from our synagogue give up a Sunday morning and volunteer at
the Over the Rhine Soup Kitchen. So far this year members of our board, youth group,
men’s club and other dedicated congregants who are passionate about social action have
attended and given of their time.
Want more information contact Matt Brodof at or call 513-373-6925
Barbash Family Vital Support Center
Congregation Etz Chaim is proud to announce that the month of August is our Synagogues’ month of commitment to the Barbash Family Vital Support Center. While we are involved with this worthy cause year round, this special month includes trips down to the pantry to restock the shelves, collection drives and raising awareness both within our congregation and the surrounding community. We are also grateful to participate annually in the JFS Passover Delivery Project which provides 400 seder meals to Cincinnati residents.
Collection Drives throughout the Year
Be it collecting bottles of oil around Chanukah, cans of pineapple for our South Persific Purim Celebration or can collection at our Passover Second Seder our Synagogue is committed to year round service. We start collection drives several times a year in addition to our ongoing pill bottle and cartridge collections.
Following Passover we will be participating in a new social action project entitled “Blessing Bags” in conjunction with other local organizations. We’ll fill large zip lock bags with protein bars, socks, snacks and personal care items. The bags will then be distributed to disadvantaged residents throughout downtown Cincinnati. Watch for the call to action and get involved with this new mitzvah opportunity.
Project Isaiah
Project Isaiah is a project instituted by the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism and carried out locally by our teenagers. On Rosh Hashanah members receive a brown shopping bag and are asked to return it filled with non-perishables on Yom Kippur. Food that is collected is then donated to a local food pantry that caters to both the Jewish and secular communities.
Cedar Village
Our Synagogue is proud to partner with Cedar Village to offer various programd over the course of the year. Seasonal gifts, trivia and performing our Purim Shpiel for the residents. The purpose of these endeavor is threefold: to strengthen our connection with Cedar Village residents (both congregants and non-members), to help our older demographic not feel isolated and lastly to deepen the partnership of our Synagogue with Cedar Village.
Pill bottles for Africa
In conjunction with Mathew 25 Ministries we collect pill bottles to be re-purposed and sent to Africa. These used bottles are filled with life saving medicines and then transported by various relief organizations. All you need to do is bring in empty pill bottles to the office – we’ll do the rest.
Pop Tabs for the Ronald McDonald House
Throughout our building you will notice containers for pop tabs.
This initiative is thanks to our Sisterhood who collects the pop tabs and then
brings them to the Cincinnati Ronald McDonald House each year.
At Congregation Etz Chaim we take environmental concerns serious and strive towards becoming a more eco-conscious community. Currently our office recycles all paper products and our kitchen recycles both plastics and glass. Look for our blue bins throughout the building.
Learn to do good. Devote yourselves to justice.
Aid the wronged.
Uphold the rights of the orphan.
Defend the cause of the widow.
– Isaiah:1:17